Sutton Bank walk

February 25, 2014  •  1 Comment

This walk is another in my regular series of articles published in Yorkshire Ridings Magazine. The walk is 6 miles long, starting from one of the car parks below the Kilburn White Horse, walking along the top of Sutton Bank on the outward journey, descending to Gormire Lake, and returning through the col between Ropulston Scar and Hood Hill.

There are great views across the Vale of Mowbray and Vale of York along the way, and plenty of photo opportunities.

Click on the photo below to view a pdf version of the article:

Sutton Bank WalkSutton Bank Walk

I will normally submit a dozen or so photographs to Yorkshire Ridings magazine with these articles. Most of the time I have a pretty good idea which photos are likely to be selected for publication. Occasionally however the editor and designers surprise me by printing pictures much larger or smaller than I expected, or by overlooking photographs which I felt were particularly strong, or representative of the walk I was illustrating.  Apart from personal taste, the selections can be down to the orientation of the image, interaction with other pictures in the piece, and even similar pictures accompanying other articles in the magazine. This happened with the Sutton Bank feature I included the following picture taken from the path running around the perimeter of the Yorkshire Gliging club across Roulson Scar to the Vale of Mowbray, which didn't make the cut:

Sutton BankSutton Bank

I liked the Rowan berries giving a splash of colour in the foreground of this image, and the variation in the colours of the fields in the middle ground. As a result, I have decided to add this image to my show range to guage visitors reactions to the "one that got away".


I love it, thanks a lot.
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